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May 28, 2008
Buonicore Partners, LLC launches website and newsletter focused exclusively on energy usage in commercial real estate

           Anthony J. Buonicore, PE, CEO of Buonicore Partners, LLC today announced the launch of Building Energy Performance News, an electronic publication providing commercial real estate professionals, owners and service providers with the most important building energy management news of the day. read more...

March 10, 2008
Building Energy Performance News Service Launched Commercially

            BEPI announced the successful commercial launch of Building Energy Performance News, an electronic publication providing commercial real estate professionals and service providers to the property industry with the most important building energy management news of the day delivered daily via email.  read more...

January 24, 2008
Connecticut Innovations Announces Appointment of Peter L. Cashman to its Board of Directors

          Connecticut Innovations (CI), the state’s quasi-public authority responsible for technology investing and innovation development, today announced that Peter L. Cashman has been appointed to CI’s board of directors by Governor M. Jodi Rell. read more...

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