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Green Building and Sustainable Development in the Commercial Real Estate Industry

Critical Issues Series

Green Building and Sustainable Development in the Commercial Real Estate Industry

              Value beyond Cost Savings: How to Underwrite Sustainable Properties

This book presents the key findings and conclusions regarding the valuation and underwriting of sustainable properties from three years of independent research by the Green Building Finance Consortium. Many checklists, databases, documents, and resource links are referenced.

Green Building Finance Consortium

The mission of the Consortium is to enable private investors to evaluate sustainable property investments from a financial perspective. To accomplish this, the Consortium has identified and developed suggested modifications to valuation and underwriting methods and practices. The Consortium is financed independent of green building product or professional organizations, relying on funding from members who include leading real estate industry trade associations (such as BOMA International, the Mortgage Bankers Association, the Urban Land Institute, the Pension Real Estate Association, and the National Association of Realtors), real estate companies, government and NGO organizations.

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